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Pozdrav svima!
Zovem se Stjepan Juras i polazim Gimnaziju "Fran Galović" u Koprivnici. Imam 16 godina. Treniram nogomet. Imam mlađeg brata koji ima 12 godina. Volim gledati filmove osobito fantastiku. Veliki sam fan Hobita i Gospodara prstenova, a u zadnjih par godina zavolio sam Marvel filmove. U slobodno vrijeme igram nogomet, družim se s prijateljima, gledam filmove, igram računalne igre ili pak radim nešto što me veseli. Ako vas još nešto zanima u vezi mene slobodno me kontaktirate putem Facebook-a ili instagrama.

O autoru: Welcome

Sales SaaS

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure your text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image or video of the product to give your clients a way of visualizing what you are selling.

Cloud Storage

This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure your text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image or video of the product to give your clients a way of visualizing what you are selling.


This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure your text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image or video of the product to give your clients a way of visualizing what you are selling.

O autoru: Products

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